In a world where all devices will be interconnected, the boundaries between the different devices will start to disappear. Devices will be able to access each other's applica...
WAIF is a new framework to facilitate easy user access for Internet users to relevant news items. WAIF supports new kinds of browsers, personalized filters, recommendation systems...
Dag Johansen, Robbert van Renesse, Fred B. Schneid...
The irregularity in quality of wireless communication links poses significant research challenges in wireless sensor network design. Dynamic network conditions and environmental f...
—Reputation mechanisms are essential for online transactions, where the parties have little prior experience with one another. This is especially true when transactions result in...
We present a hardware-based approach to improve the resilience of a computer system against the errors occurred in the main memory with the help of error detecting and correcting ...
Valentin Gherman, Samuel Evain, Mickael Cartron, N...