—Networks are widely used in modeling relational data often comprised of thousands of nodes and edges. This kind of data alone implies a challenge for its visualization as it is ...
This paper describes a clustering method for organizing in semantic classes a list of terms. The experiments were made using a POS annotated corpus, the ACL Anthology, which consis...
Pablo Gamallo, Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Alexandre Ag...
Abstract. Decentralized case-based reasoning (DzCBR) is a reasoning framework that addresses the problem of adaptive reasoning in a multi-ontology environment. It is a case-based r...
Abstract. In the paper we propose a method of structuring a knowledge base into hierarchically related contexts and present how this arrangement influences the structure of TBox a...
Krzysztof Goczyla, Wojciech Waloszek, Aleksander W...
Abstract. This paper describes recent approaches using text-mining to automatically profile and extract arguments from legal cases. We outline some of the background context and mo...
Adam Wyner, Raquel Mochales Palau, Marie-Francine ...