The past few years have seen an explosive growth in scientific and regulatory documents related to the patent system. Relevant information is siloed into many heterogeneous and di...
Siddharth Taduri, Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Ha...
Proofs of Retrievability (PoR), introduced by Juels and Kaliski [JK07], allow the client to store a file F on an untrusted server, and later run an efficient audit protocol in whi...
The tuple space coordination model is one of the most interesting coordination models for open distributed systems due to its space and time decoupling and its synchronization pow...
- The intrinsic capability brought by each new technology node opens the way to a broad range of system integration options and continuously enables new applications to be integrat...
Maurizio Paganini, Georg Kimmich, Stephane Ducrey,...
The design of safety-critical systems has typically adopted static techniques to simplify error detection and fault tolerance. However, economic pressure to reduce costs is exposi...