Protocol conversion deals with the automatic synthesis of an additional component, often referred to as an adaptor or a converter, to bridge mismatches between interacting compone...
Partha S. Roop, Alain Girault, Roopak Sinha, Grego...
In several applications of logic programming and Transaction Logic, such as, planning, trust management and independent Semantic Web Services, an action might produce incomplete f...
Standard concurrency control mechanisms offer a trade-off: Transactional memory approaches maximize concurrency, but suffer high overheads and cost for retrying in the case of act...
Yannis Smaragdakis, Anthony Kay, Reimer Behrends, ...
Production grids are complex and highly variable systems whose behavior is not well understood and difficult to anticipate. The goal of this study is to estimate the impact of the ...
Abstract--To take advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless communication, a number of opportunistic routing techniques have recently been proposed. In order to manage the extr...