—Sequence analysis is very important in our daily life. Typically, each sequence is associated with an ordered list of elements. For example, in a movie rental application, a cus...
Yu Peng, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Liangliang Ye, Phi...
Abstract. Given a set of pairwise distances on a set of n points, constructing an edge-weighted tree whose leaves are these n points such that the tree distances would mimic the or...
Many combinatorial optimization problems such as the bin packing and multiple knapsack problems involve assigning a set of discrete objects to multiple containers. These problems ...
Problem frames are a relatively new approach to requirements engineering, promising benefits not only in elicitation but also in subsequent design, by allowing their users to selec...
Random problem distributions have played a key role in the study and design of algorithms for constraint satisfaction and Boolean satisfiability, as well as in our understanding o...