Two popular webpage ranking algorithms are HITS and PageRank. HITS emphasizes mutual reinforcement between authority and hub webpages, while PageRank emphasizes hyperlink weight n...
Chris H. Q. Ding, Xiaofeng He, Parry Husbands, Hon...
Web link analysis has been proved to provide significant enhancement to the precision of web search in practice. Among existing approaches, Kleinberg’s HITS and Google’s PageR...
Zheng Chen, Li Tao, Jidong Wang, Liu Wenyin, Wei-Y...
Web link analysis has proven to be a significant enhancement for quality based web search. Most existing links can be classified into two categories: intra-type links (e.g., web h...
Link analysis methods have been used successfully for knowledge discovery from the link structure of mutually linking entities. Existing link analysis methods have been inherently...
The HITS and the PageRank algorithms are eigenvector methods for identifying "authoritative" or "influential" articles, given hyperlink or citation information...