Live peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming applications have been successfully deployed in the Internet. With relatively simple peer selection protocol design, modern live P2P streaming ap...
Overlapping communication with computation is an important optimization on current cluster architectures; its importance is likely to increase as the doubling of processing power ...
Wei-Yu Chen, Dan Bonachea, Costin Iancu, Katherine...
Grids are becoming a mission-critical component in research and industry. The services they provide are thus required to be highly available, contributing to the vision of the Gri...
Mark Silberstein, Gabriel Kliot, Artyom Sharov, As...
In this paper, we utilize a bandwidth-centric job communication model that captures the interaction and impact of simultaneously co-allocating jobs across multiple clusters. We ma...
William M. Jones, Walter B. Ligon III, Nishant Shr...
An important problem for wireless ad hoc networks has been to design overlay networks that allow time- and energy-efficient routing. Many local-control strategies for maintaining...
Kishore Kothapalli, Christian Scheideler, Melih On...