With the increasing popularity of small to large-scale symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) systems, there has been a dire need to have sophisticated, and flexible development and runt...
The amount of Task Level Parallelism (TLP) in runtime workload is useful information to determine the efficient usage of multiprocessors. This paper presents mechanisms to dynami...
Multimedia interfaces increase the need for large image databases, capable of storing and reading streams of data with strict synchronicity and isochronicity requirements. In orde...
Benoit A. Gennart, Vincent Messerli, Roger D. Hers...
Transactional memory is an alternative programming model for managing contention in accessing shared in-memory data objects. Distributed transactional memory (TM) promises to alle...
A real-time system must execute functionally correct computations in a timely manner. In order to guarantee that all tasks accepted in the system will meet their timing requiremen...
Sylvain Lauzac, Rami G. Melhem, Daniel Mossé...