The banking landscape in Europe and Germany has a polypolistic market structure with an average vertical range of integration of 80%, implying high process redundancies. Accumulat...
In the preparation of technology transition, the contextual and alternative definitions of the usability heuristics of multifaceted role of the best practice methodology of Teleco...
The field of BioInformatics has become a major venue for the development and application of computational ontologies. Ranging from controlled vocabularies to annotation of experim...
Christopher J. Thomas, Amit P. Sheth, William S. Y...
GXL (Graph eXchange Language) is designed to be a standard exchange format for graph-based tools. GXL is defined as an XML sublanguage, which offers support for exchanging instanc...
During the last decade, teams working on information technology (IT) development and implementation projects have experienced significant transformations. Nowadays, many members o...