Given a set of objects with profits (any, even negative, numbers) assigned not only to separate objects but also to pairs of them, the unconstrained binary quadratic optimization p...
Graphplan and heuristic state space planners such as HSP-R and UNPOP are currently two of the most effective approaches for solving classical planning problems. These approaches h...
Hyper-heuristics are identified as the methodologies that search the space generated by a finite set of low level heuristics for solving difficult problems. One of the iterative h...
The local search algorithm WSat is one of the most successful algorithms for solving the satisfiability (SAT) problem. It is notably effective at solving hard Random 3-SAT instanc...
The quadratic multiple knapsack problem extends the quadratic knapsack problem with K knapsacks, each with its own capacity Ck. A greedy heuristic fills the knapsacks one at a tim...