To continue to improve processor performance, microarchitects seek to increase the effective instruction level parallelism (ILP) that can be exploited in applications. A fundament...
Heterogeneous architectures are currently widespread. With the advent of easy-to-program general purpose GPUs, virtually every recent desktop computer is a heterogeneous system. Co...
The paper presents approaches to the validation of optimizing compilers. The emphasis is on aggressive and architecture-targeted optimizations which try to obtain the highest perf...
Lenore D. Zuck, Amir Pnueli, Yi Fang, Benjamin Gol...
Predicated execution has been used to reduce the number of branch mispredictions by eliminating hard-to-predict branches. However, the additional instruction overhead and addition...
Hyesoon Kim, Onur Mutlu, Jared Stark, Yale N. Patt