A digital library system consists of LVS(Linux Virtual Server) operating with software clustering technology provides is designed on Linux environment. In the cluster of servers fa...
Most pages on the Web are designed for the desktop environment and render poorly on the small screens available on handheld devices. We introduce Reusable End-User Customization (...
Nilton Bila, Troy Ronda, Iqbal Mohomed, Khai N. Tr...
The Web is a dynamic information environment. Web content changes regularly and people revisit Web pages frequently. But the tools used to access the Web, including browsers and s...
Jaime Teevan, Susan T. Dumais, Daniel J. Liebling,...
Persons with disabilities are often marginalised from economy and society due to the lack of access to disability related information and services. Through the use of assistive te...
Louis Coetzee, Guillaume J.-L. Olivrin, Ilse Vivie...
We propose a system which allows users to monitor how their email addresses are used and how they spread over the Internet. This protects the privacy of the user and can reduce the...