Wedescribe somenewpreprocessing techniques that enable faster domain-independentplanning. Thefirst set of techniquesis aimedat inferring state constraints from the structure of pl...
For a system of distributed processes, correctness can be ensured by (statically) checking whether their composition satisfies properties of interest. However, web services are dis...
Robotic systems are usually built as independent agents that collaborate to accomplish a specific task. Analysis of robot path planning consists of route planning and path generati...
We consider a dynamic planning problem for paratransit transportation. The focus is on a decision to take one day ahead: which requests to serve with own vehicles, and which reque...
Maria L. A. G. Cremers, Willem K. Klein Haneveld, ...
Model checking Web service behaviour has remained limited to checking safety and liveness properties. However when viewed as a multi agent system, the system composition can be ana...
Alessio Lomuscio, Hongyang Qu, Marek J. Sergot, Mo...