Each new semiconductor technology node brings smaller, faster transistors and smaller, slower wires. In particular, long interconnect wires in modern FPGAs now require rebuffering ...
Background: Rhabdomyosarcoma is a relatively common tumour of the soft tissue, probably due to regulatory disruption of growth and differentiation of skeletal muscle stem cells. I...
Andrea Bisognin, Stefania Bortoluzzi, Gian Antonio...
Background: Functional genomics studies are yielding information about regulatory processes in the cell at an unprecedented scale. In the yeast S. cerevisiae, DNA microarrays have...
Background: Genomic islands can be observed in many microbial genomes. These stretches of DNA have a conspicuous composition with regard to sequence or encoded functions. Genomic ...
A method is proposed for photo-realistic modeling and visualization of a growing tree. Recent visualization methods have focused on producing smoothly blending branching structure...