Background: Evolutionary conservation has been used successfully to help identify cis-acting DNA regions that are important in regulating tissue-specific gene expression. Motivate...
Xueping Yu, Jimmy J. Lin, Donald J. Zack, Jiang Qi...
Background: The ab initio protein folding problem consists of predicting protein tertiary structure from a given amino acid sequence by minimizing an energy function; it is one of...
ABSTRACT. Network service providers and customers are often concerned with aggregate performance measures that span multiple network paths. Unfortunately, forming such network-wide...
: Everyone realizes how powerful the few big Web search engine companies have become, both in terms of financial resources due to soaring stock quotes and in terms of the still hid...
Background: Detection of Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) is one of the most common molecular applications in the study of human diseases, in particular cancer. The technique is commo...