We introduce a novel data mining technique for the analysis of gene expression. Gene expression is the effective production of the protein that a gene encodes. We focus on the cha...
Aleksandar Icev, Carolina Ruiz, Elizabeth F. Ryder
We have recently demonstrated (La et al, Proteins, 58:2005) that sequence fragments approximating the overall familial phylogeny, called phylogenetic motifs (PMs), represent a pro...
Protein domains are the building blocks of proteins, and their interactions are crucial in forming stable protein-protein interactions (PPI) and take part in many cellular processe...
Background: Many protein sequences are still poorly annotated. Functional characterization of a protein is often improved by the identification of its interaction partners. Here, ...
Andreas Henschel, Christof Winter, Wan Kyu Kim, Mi...
Background: In a previous report (La et al., Proteins, 2005), we have demonstrated that the identification of phylogenetic motifs, protein sequence fragments conserving the overal...