Instead of aiming at the augmentation of human communication abilities as other social software does, social network services (SNS) provide better chances for people to enhance th...
Multiplayer gaming over the Internet continues to grow in popularity, despite a lack of Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms. Future QoS-aware networks such as those based on the D...
Networked devices for the storage and rendering of digital media are rapidly becoming ubiquitous in homes throughout the industrialized world. Existing approaches to home media con...
: We propose and investigate the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) enabled mobility framework to improve the user mobility experience in heterogenous wireless networks. The framew...
Chong Shen, Wencai Du, Robert Atkinson, James Irvi...
We propose a novel technique called dimming to improve the energy efficiency of cellular networks by reducing the capacity, services, and energy consumption of cells without turnin...
David Tipper, Abdelmounaam Rezgui, Prashant Krishn...