k-anonymity is a popular measure of privacy for data publishing: It measures the risk of identity-disclosure of individuals whose personal information are released in the form of ...
Bijit Hore, Ravi Chandra Jammalamadaka, Sharad Meh...
To preserve client privacy in the data mining process, a variety of techniques based on random perturbation of individual data records have been proposed recently. In this paper, ...
Organizations often need to release microdata without revealing sensitive information. To this scope, data are anonymized and, to assess the quality of the process, various privac...
—In many applications, transaction data arrive in the form of high speed data streams. These data contain a lot of information about customers that needs to be carefully managed ...
Weiping Wang 0001, Jianzhong Li, Chunyu Ai, Yingsh...
Abstract. The coordination of complex process structures is a fundamental task for enterprises, such as in the automotive industry. Usually, such process structures consist of seve...