Power consumption is a primary concern for microprocessor designers. Lowering the supply voltage of processors is one of the most effective techniques for improving their energy e...
Timothy N. Miller, Renji Thomas, Xiang Pan, Radu T...
We present algorithms for fast quantile and frequency estimation in large data streams using graphics processor units (GPUs). We exploit the high computational power and memory ba...
Naga K. Govindaraju, Nikunj Raghuvanshi, Dinesh Ma...
We present new algorithms on commodity graphics processors to perform fast computation of several common database operations. Specifically, we consider operations such as conjunct...
Naga K. Govindaraju, Brandon Lloyd, Wei Wang 0010,...
—It has been observed in recent years that in many applications service time demands are highly variable. Without foreknowledge of exact service times of individual jobs, process...
Steve Thompson, Lester Lipsky, Sarah Tasneem, Feng...
The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) concept aims to enabling costeffective multi-mode baseband solutions for wireless terminals. However, the growing complexity of new communication ...
Bruno Bougard, Bjorn De Sutter, Sebastien Rabou, D...