Event-based middleware is currently being applied for application component integration in a range of application domains. As a result, a variety of event services have been propo...
Instruction set extensions (ISEs) can accelerate embedded processor performance. Many algorithms for ISE generation have shown good potential; some of them have recently been expa...
Theo Kluter, Philip Brisk, Paolo Ienne, Edoardo Ch...
Companies providing cloud-scale services have an increasing need to store and analyze massive data sets such as search logs and click streams. For cost and performance reasons, pr...
The performance of most embedded systems is critically dependent on the memory hierarchy performance. In particular, higher cache hit rate can provide significant performance boos...
We present the Genetic L-System Programming (GLP) paradigm for evolutionary creation and development of parallel rewrite systems (Lsystems, Lindenmayer-systems) which provide a com...