Abstract-- Workflow systems have become increasingly popular for managing experiments where many bioinformatics tasks are chained together. Due to the large amount of data generate...
Olivier Biton, Sarah Cohen Boulakia, Susan B. Davi...
Curated databases in bioinformatics and other disciplines are the result of a great deal of manual annotation, correction and transfer of data from other sources. Provenance infor...
There has been a recent push towards applying information technology principles, such as workflows, to bring greater efficiency to reservoir management tasks. These workflows are d...
Fan Sun, Jing Zhao, Karthik Gomadam, Viktor K. Pra...
The notion of RDF Named Graphs has been proposed in order to assign provenance information to data described using RDF triples. In this paper, we argue that named graphs alone can...
End-to-end data processing environments are often comprised of several independently-developed (sub-)systems, e.g. for engineering, organizational or historical reasons. Unfortuna...