Short-range, point-to-point communications for mobile users enjoy increasing popularity, particularly with the rise in Bluetooth-equipped mobile devices. Unfortunately, virus write...
Nicholas Valler, B. Aditya Prakash, Hanghang Tong,...
In this work we design algorithms for clustering relational columns into attributes, i.e., for identifying strong relationships between columns based on the common properties and ...
Modern enterprise, web, and multimedia applications are generating unstructured content at unforeseen volumes in the form of documents, texts, and media files. Such content is gen...
Krishna Kunchithapadam, Wei Zhang, Amit Ganesh, Ni...
The growth of mobile phone users has lead to a dramatic increasing of SMS spam messages. In practice, fighting mobile phone spam is difficult by several factors, including the lo...
Applications written in unsafe languages like C and C++ are vulnerable to memory errors such as buffer overflows, dangling pointers, and reads of uninitialized data. Such errors ...