Location information gathered from a variety of sources in the form of sensor data, video streams, human observations, and so on, is often imprecise and uncertain and needs to be ...
Dmitri V. Kalashnikov, Yiming Ma, Sharad Mehrotra,...
—In this paper we describe our work on creating a multi-modal sensing platform for providing feedback to tennis coaches and players. The platform includes a fixed installation a...
Damien Connaghan, Sarah Hughes, Gregory May, Phili...
In order to ease the development and maintenance of more complex P2P applications, which combine multiple P2P functionality (e.g. streaming and dependable storage), we suggest to ...
Kalman Graffi, Aleksandra Kovacevic, Song Xiao, Ra...
Abstract— Sensor networks have evolved to a powerful infrastructure component for event monitoring in many application scenarios. In addition to simple filter and aggregation op...
Daniel Klan, Katja Hose, Marcel Karnstedt, Kai-Uwe...
Most operations of the relational algebra or SQL - like projection with duplicate elimination, join, ordering, group by and aggregations - are efficiently processed using a sorted...