—Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI) is an emerging technology for imaging passive objects (objects that do not carry a transmitting device) with wireless networks. This paper presen...
Radio Frequency (RF) tomographic tracking is the process of tracking moving targets by analyzing changes of attenuation in wireless transmissions. This paper presents a novel sequ...
Due to the dynamic nature of cognitive radio networks, multi-user video streaming (with various video traffic characteristics and QoS requirements) requires efficient dynamic chan...
Abstract— We explore an algorithm and methodology for realtime video compression and communication over sensor network. Video is encoded using the address-event representation (A...
Eugenio Culurciello, Joon Hyuk Park, Andreas Savvi...
Wireless video streaming is an area of extensive research due to the error-prone nature of the radio channel with variations in throughput and delay. In mobile networks, handovers...
Matthias Dick, Jens Brandt, Verena Kahmann, Lars C...