XML is fast becoming the standard format to store, exchange and publish over the web, and is getting embedded in applications. Two challenges in handling XML are its size (the XML...
Paolo Ferragina, Fabrizio Luccio, Giovanni Manzini...
Privacy preserving data mining has been investigated extensively. The previous works mainly fall into two categories, perturbation and randomization based approaches and secure mu...
Li Liu, Murat Kantarcioglu, Bhavani M. Thuraisingh...
Computing and storing probabilities is a hard problem as soon as one has to deal with complex distributions over multiples random variables. The problem of efficient representati...
—This paper presents an automatic segmentation algorithm for video frames captured by a (monocular) webcam that closely approximates depth segmentation from a stereo camera. The ...
Pei Yin, Antonio Criminisi, John M. Winn, Irfan A....
Suffix tree is an important data structure for indexing a long sequence (like a genome sequence) or a concatenation of sequences. It finds many applications in practice, especiall...