We focus on neuro-dynamic programming methods to learn state-action value functions and outline some of the inherent problems to be faced, when performing reinforcement learning in...
—A firewall is a security guard placed between a private network and the outside Internet that monitors all incoming and outgoing packets. The function of a firewall is to exam...
Thermal hot spots and high temperature gradients degrade reliability and performance, and increase cooling costs and leakage power. In this paper, we explore the benefits of temper...
Ayse Kivilcim Coskun, T. T. Rosing, Keith Whisnant...
—Performance degradation of memory-intensive programs caused by the LRU policy’s inability to handle weaklocality data accesses in the last level cache is increasingly serious ...
Main memory is responsible for a large and increasing fraction of the energy consumed by servers. Prior work has focused on exploiting DRAM low-power states to conserve energy. Ho...
Qingyuan Deng, David Meisner, Luiz E. Ramos, Thoma...