Collaborative filtering (CF) has been successfully deployed over the years to compute predictions on items based on a user's correlation with a set of peers. The black-box na...
Barry Smyth, Brynjar Gretarsson, John O'Donovan, S...
HCI, CSCW, and ubicomp researchers have developed new technologies and interaction techniques to support collaboration, ranging from electronic whiteboards to software supporting ...
In 1969, Thomas Schelling proposed one of the most cited models in economics to explain how similar people (e.g. people with the same race, education, community) group together in...
We consider Cooperative Intrusion Detection System (CIDS) which is a distributed AIS-based (Artificial Immune System) IDS where nodes collaborate over a peer-to-peer overlay netwo...
— In this paper, we consider the problem of exploring an unknown environment with a team of mobile robots. One of the key issues in multi-robot exploration is how to assign targe...