Aspect mining tries to identify crosscutting concerns in existing systems and thus supports the adaption to an aspect-oriented design. This paper describes an automatic static asp...
Abstract. A properly encapsulated data representation can be revised for refactoring or other purposes without affecting the correctness of client programs and extensions of a clas...
Abstract. In this PhD project, we deal with the issue of code duplication in logic programs. In particular semantical duplication or redundancy is generally viewed as a possible se...
This paper presents an overview of an assembler driven verification methodology (ADVM) that was created and implemented for a chip card project at Infineon Technologies AG [2]. Th...
Escape analysis can improve the speed and memory efficiency of garbage collected languages by allocating objects to the call stack, but an offline analysis will potentially interf...
Kevin Cleereman, Michelle Cheatham, Krishnaprasad ...