Demand in the consumer market for graphics hardware that accelerates rendering of 3D images has resulted in commodity devices capable of astonishing levels of performance. These re...
— A robotic device with haptic, tactile, and ultrasound capabilities, which can acquire and render information of breast pathology was developed. A physician interface that can e...
Nandagopal S. Methil, Yantao Shen, Danyu Zhu, Crai...
Point-based surfaces (i.e. surfaces represented by discrete point sets which are either directly obtained by current 3D acquisition devices or converted from other surface represe...
Tamy Boubekeur, Patrick Reuter, Christophe Schlick
This paper explores the possibilities of using portable devices in multiprojection environments, such as CAVEs, Panoramas and Power Walls. We propose and implement a tool to gener...
In this paper, we present a new recognition system for the fast detection and classification of objects in spatial 3D data. The system consists of two main components: A biologic...