–A video-on-demand server must satisfy a large customer base and a diverse archive of movies under changing movie popularity and daily load peaks. These requirements must be sati...
A fundamental vision driving pervasive computing research is access to personal and shared data anywhere at anytime. In many ways, this vision is close to being realized. Wireless...
We present the Deep Store archival storage architecture, a large-scale storage system that stores immutable data efficiently and reliably for long periods of time. Archived data i...
Lawrence You, Kristal T. Pollack, Darrell D. E. Lo...
We present a genetic algorithm for tackling a file assignment problem for a large-scale video-on-demand system. The file assignment problem is to find the optimal replication and a...
Jun Guo, Yi Wang, Kit-Sang Tang, Sammy Chan, Eric ...
The simplicity of the basic client/server model of Web services led quickly to its widespread adoption, but also to scalability and performance problems. The technological respons...
Micah Beck, Terry Moore, Leif Abrahamsson, Christo...