Modern microprocessors can achieve high performance on linear algebra kernels but this currently requires extensive machine-speci c hand tuning. We have developed a methodology wh...
Jeff Bilmes, Krste Asanovic, Chee-Whye Chin, James...
The GE NLTooLsET is a set of text interpretation tools designed to be easily adapted to new domains. This report summarizes the system and its performance on the MUG-4 task . INTR...
George B. Krupka, Paul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau, Loi...
Abstract— This paper describes a new first and secondorder delta-sigma modulator (DSM) concept where the first integrator is extracted and implemented by a FM oscillator with t...
Background: Some of the recent investigations in systems biology have revealed the existence of a complex regulatory network between genes, microRNAs (miRNAs) and transcription fa...
Background: Knowledge of transcription factor-DNA binding patterns is crucial for understanding gene transcription. Numerous DNA-binding proteins are annotated as transcription fa...
Denitsa Alamanova, Philip Stegmaier, Alexander E. ...