As the gap between processor and memory continues to grow, memory performance becomes a key performance bottleneck for many applications. Compilers therefore increasingly seek to m...
Sandya S. Mannarswamy, Ramaswamy Govindarajan, Ris...
—Sensor networks nowadays are widely used for structural health monitoring; for example, the sensor monitoring system deployed on the Guangzhou New TV Tower, China. While wired s...
Tao Zhang, Dan Wang, Jiannong Cao, Yi Qing Ni, Lij...
In a bid to limit the harm caused by ubiquitous remotely exploitable software vulnerabilities, the computer systems security community has proposed primitives to allow execution o...
We define a new logic, STRAND, that allows reasoning with heapmanipulating programs using deductive verification and SMT solvers. STRAND logic (“STRucture ANd Data” logic) f...
MapReduce has emerged as a promising architecture for large scale data analytics on commodity clusters. The rapid adoption of Hive, a SQL-like data processing language on Hadoop (...