Many believe that the most important result to come out of the last ten years of neural network research is the significant change in perspective in the neuroscience community tow...
Building on ideas from a virtual workshop and additional input from the scientific community, the CISE Directorate at the National Science Foundation established the Information T...
Angela M. Balcita, Doris L. Carver, Mary Lou Soffa
Events and stories can be characterized by a set of descriptive, collocated keywords. Intuitively, documents describing the same event will contain similar sets of keywords, and t...
Abstract. In this paper, we take a MIPS-based open-source uniprocessor soft core, Plasma, and extend it to obtain the Beefarm infrastructure for FPGA-based multiprocessor emulation...
Social networking services well know that some users are unwilling to freely share the information they store with the service (e.g. profile information). To address this, servic...