Generally the bag-of-words based image representation
follows a bottom-up paradigm. The subsequent stages of the
process: feature detection, feature description, vocabulary
Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Joost van de Weijer, Maria Van...
The sensor network localization, SNL , problem in embedding dimension r, consists of locating the positions of wireless sensors, given only the distances between sensors that are ...
Background: High-throughput automated sequencing has enabled an exponential growth rate of sequencing data. This requires increasing sequence quality and reliability in order to a...
Abstract. Haplotype Inference (HI) is a computational challenge of crucial importance in a range of genetic studies, such as functional genomics, pharmacogenetics and population ge...
New media and signal processing applications demand ever higher performance while operating within the tight power constraints of mobile devices. A range of hardware implementatio...
Kevin Fan, Manjunath Kudlur, Ganesh S. Dasika, Sco...