Searching digital biomedical images is a challenging problem. Prevalent retrieval techniques involve human-supplied text annotations to describe image contents. Biomedical images,...
We analyze the quality of condensed text on LCD displays, generated with unhinted and hinted bilevel characters, with traditional anti-aliased and with perceptually-tuned grayscale...
Abstract. In previous papers we proposed an algorithm for real parameter optimization called the Aggregation Pheromone System (APS). The APS replaces pheromone trails in traditiona...
Biologists highly rely on good algorithms for finding homologous regions in bimolecular sequences. An advanced homology search program named PatternHunter has recently been develo...
In this paper, we propose a Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach using a new paths growth procedure by the random key-based encoding for solving Shortest Path Routing (SPR) problem. An...