: The Mobile Message Passing Interface is a library which implements MPI functionality on Bluetooth enabled mobile phones. It provides many of the functions available in MPI, inclu...
Daniel C. Doolan, Sabin Tabirca, Laurence Tianruo ...
The basic networking unit in Bluetooth is piconet, and a larger-area Bluetooth network can be formed by multiple piconets, called scatternet. However, the structure of scatternets...
A Bluetooth ad hoc network can be formed by interconnecting piconets into scatternets. The constraints and properties of Bluetooth scatternets present special challenges in formin...
As Bluetooth is available in most personal and portable terminals (eg, cellular phone, PDA, videocamera, laptop, etc) P2P video streaming through Bluetooth networks is now a reali...
Bluetooth is a promising local area wireless technology designed to establish both personal area and multihop ad hoc networks. In this paper, we present BluePower as a novel and p...