Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are an increasingly popular class of real-time interactive distributed applications that require scalable architectures and parallelizat...
The concept of self-organization is rapidly gaining importance in the area of distributed computing systems. However, we still lack the necessary means for engineering such system...
Abstract. Constrained Natural Languages (CNLs) are becoming an increasingly popular way of writing technical documents such as requirements specifications. This is because CNLs aim...
Abstract—Network controllers (NCs) are devices that are capable of converting dynamic, spatially extended, and functionally specialized modules into a taskable goal-oriented grou...
Rachana Ashok Gupta, Ahmad A. Masoud, Mo-Yuen Chow
Transcoding is an important technology which adapts the same multimedia object to diverse mobile appliances; thus, users’ requests for a specified version of a multimedia objec...