With the gaining popularity of remote storage (e.g. in the Cloud), we consider the setting where a small, protected local machine wishes to access data on a large, untrusted remot...
During a lifecycle of a large-scale Web application, Web developers produce a wide variety of inter-related Web objects. Following good Web engineering practice, developers often ...
Virtual Machine (VM) fork is a new cloud computing abstraction that instantaneously clones a VM into multiple replicas running on different hosts. All replicas share the same init...
This paper describes the design goals and current status of tidier, a software tool that tidies Erlang source code, making it cleaner, simpler, and often also more efficient. In ...
One important trend in enterprise-scale IT has been the increasing use of business-to-business integration (B2Bi) technologies to automate business processes that cross organisati...
Dean Kuo, Alan Fekete, Paul Greenfield, Julian Jan...