Training systems with intelligent virtual agents provide an effective means to train people for complex, dynamic tasks like crisis management or firefighting. Virtual agents pro...
Maaike Harbers, Karel van den Bosch, John-Jules Ch...
It is well known how challenging is the task of coding complex agents for virtual environments. This difficulty in developing and maintaining complex agents has been plaguing com...
Enabling virtual agents to quickly and accurately infer users’ psychological characteristics such as their personality could support a broad range of applications in education, t...
Jennifer L. Robison, Jonathan P. Rowe, Scott W. Mc...
The effectiveness of simulation-based training for individual tasks – such as piloting skills – is well established, but its use for team training raises challenging technical...
David R. Traum, Jeff Rickel, Jonathan Gratch, Stac...
Training teams is an activity that is expensive, time-consuming, hazardous in some cases, and can be limited by availability of equipment and personnel. In team training, the focus...
Michael S. Miller, Jianwen Yin, Richard A. Volz, T...