In this paper, we propose an optimal gate sizing and clock skew optimization algorithm for globally sizing synchronous sequential circuits. The number of constraints and variables ...
Sanghamitra Roy, Yu Hen Hu, Charlie Chung-Ping Che...
Reliable and generic methods for skew detection are a necessity for any large-scale digitization projects. As one of the first processing steps, skew detection and correction has...
Iuliu Vasile Konya, Stefan Eickeler, Christoph Sei...
Advances in VLSI technology make clock skew more susceptible to process variations. Notwithstanding efficient zero skew routing algorithms, clock skew still limits post-manufactu...
Shared nothing multiprocessor archit.ecture is known t.obe more scalable to support very large databases. Compared to other join strategies, a hash-ba9ed join algorithm is particu...
Clock skew scheduling has been traditionally considered as a tool for improving the clock period in a sequential circuit. Timing slack is "stolen" from fast combinationa...