Abstract--This paper presents a novel and efficient surface matching and visualization framework through the geodesic distanceweighted shape vector image diffusion. Based on confor...
Jing Hua, Zhaoqiang Lai, Ming Dong, Xianfeng Gu...
Image-based object modeling has emerged as an important computer vision application. Typically, the process starts with the acquisition of the image views of an object. These view...
In this pilot study, we developed a set of computer vision based surface segmentation and statistical shape analysis algorithms to study genetic influences on brain structure in a...
Meena Mani, Yi-Yu Chou, Natasha Lepore, Agatha D. ...
3D modelling finds a wide range of applications in industry. However, due to the presence of surface scanning noise, accumulative registration errors, and improper data fusion, re...
Recent advances in diffusion weighted MR imaging (dMRI) has made it a tool of choice for investigating white matter abnormalities of the brain and central nervous system. In this w...
Yogesh Rathi, James G. Malcolm, Oleg V. Michailovi...