Components of modern parallel systems are becoming quite complex with many features and variations. An integrated modeling of these components (interconnection network, messaging ...
Dhabaleswar K. Panda, Debashis Basak, Donglai Dai,...
: Understanding biological evolution prompts for a detailed understanding of the realized phenotype. Biochemical and gene regulatory dynamics are a cornerstone for the physiology o...
Jens Ackermann, Paul Baecher, Thorsten Franzel, Mi...
Multimedia vector instruction sets are becoming ubiquitous in most of the embedded systems used for multimedia, networking and communications. However, current compiler technology...
In embedded systems, performance and power are important inter-related issues that cannot be decoupled. Expensive and extensive simulations in a processor design space are usually...
Progress in adapting molecular dynamics algorithms for systems with short-range interactions to utilize the features of modern supercomputers is described. Efficient utilization o...