Engineering systems are becoming increasingly complex as state of the art technologies are incorporated into designs. Surety modeling and analysis is an emerging science which per...
James Davis, Jason Scott, Janos Sztipanovits, Marc...
Scalability and reliability are inseparable in high-performance computing. Fault-isolation through hardware is a popular means of providing reliability. Unfortunately, such isolat...
RSVP is a bandwidth reservation protocol that allows distributed real-time applications such as video-conferencing software to make bandwidth reservations over packetswitched netw...
Recent technological advances have produced network interfaces that provide users with very low-latency access to the memory of remote machines. We examine the impact of such netw...
Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Galen C. Hunt, Robert ...
Modular Visualization Environments (MVEs) have recently been regarded as the de facto standard for scientific data visualization, mainly due to adoption of visual programming sty...