Abstract. TBox reasoning in description logics is hard. For example, reasoning in SROIQ (i.e. OWL2-DL) is N2EXPTIME-complete; even with R, a fragment of SROIQ supporting ALC GCIs a...
Large scale ontology applications require efficient and robust description logic (DL) reasoning services. Expressive DLs usually have very high worst case complexity while tractab...
ABox Reasoning in large scale description logic (DL) knowledge bases, e.g. ontologies, is important for the success of many semantic-enriched systems. Performance of existing appro...
Abstract. Approximation has been identified as a potential way of reducing the complexity of logical reasoning. Here we explore approximation for speeding up instance retrieval in...
In this paper we introduce “clipping,” a new method of syntactic approximation which is motivated by and works in conjunction with a sound and decidable denotational model for...