A shaper is a system that stores incoming bits in a bu er and delivers them as early as possible, while forcing the output to be constrained with a given arrival curve. A shaper i...
Tables are a universal idiom to present relational data. Billions of tables on Web pages express entity references, attributes and relationships. This representation of relational...
Abstract—Many distributed applications require a group of destinations to be coordinated with a single source. Multicasting is a communication paradigm to implement these distrib...
—In large networks, a data source may not reach the intended sink in a single hop, thereby requiring the traffic to be routed via multiple hops. An optimized choice of such rout...
Thomas Watteyne, Antonella Molinaro, Maria Grazia ...
Ridership is a key goal in the transit industry. Conventional transit analysis focuses
on two types of users—captive and choice riders—but rarely aims to understand the