This work exploits several machine-learning techniques to address the problem of image-quality prediction of synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) imagery. The objective is to predict th...
Many special purpose algorithms exist for extracting information from streaming data. Constraints are imposed on the total memory and on the average processing time per data item....
We develop a robust technique to find similar matches of human actions in video. Given a query video, Motion History Images (MHI) are constructed for consecutive keyframes. This i...
Time plays an essential role in the diffusion of information, influence and disease over networks. In many cases we only observe when a node copies information, makes a decision ...
Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez, David Balduzzi, Bernhard S...
We investigate an acceleration technique for restarted Krylov subspace methods for computing the action of a function of a large sparse matrix on a vector. Its effect is to ultima...