A boosting algorithm based on cellular genetic programming to build an ensemble of predictors is proposed. The method evolves a population of trees for a fixed number of rounds an...
Gianluigi Folino, Clara Pizzuti, Giandomenico Spez...
Background: Mean-based clustering algorithms such as bisecting k-means generally lack robustness. Although componentwise median is a more robust alternative, it can be a poor cent...
Yuanyuan Ding, Xin Dang, Hanxiang Peng, Dawn Wilki...
The objective of this paper is to parse object trajectories in surveillance video against occlusion, interruption, and background clutter. We present a spatio-temporal graph (ST-G...
Our goal is to segment a video sequence into moving objects and the world scene. In recent work, spectral embedding of point trajectories based on 2D motion cues accumulated from ...
Abstract--This paper proposes a new algorithm for the reduction of the number of colors in an image. The proposed adaptive color reduction (ACR) technique achieves color reduction ...