Driven by the goal of automating data analyses in the field of bioinformatics, SHARE (Semantic Health and Research Environment) is a specialized SPARQL engine that resolves queries...
Benjamin P. Vandervalk, E. Luke McCarthy, Mark D. ...
Most of today's software applications are built on top of libraries or frameworks. Just as applications evolve, libraries and frameworks also evolve. Upgrading is straightfor...
Reishi Yokomori, Harvey P. Siy, Masami Noro, Katsu...
Background: One of the most commonly performed tasks when analysing high throughput gene expression data is to use clustering methods to classify the data into groups. There are a...
T. Ian Simpson, J. Douglas Armstrong, Andrew P. Ja...
Supercomputing Centers (SC’s) are unique resources that aim to enable scientific knowledge discovery through the use of large computational resources, the Big Iron. Design, acq...
E. Wes Bethel, John Van Rosendale, Dale Southard, ...
—This paper describes a complete system to create anatomically accurate example-based volume deformation and animation of articulated body regions, starting from multiple in vivo...
Taehyun Rhee, John P. Lewis, Ulrich Neumann, Krish...