Abstract. Children experience several difficulties retrieving information using current Information Retrieval (IR) systems. Particularly, children struggle to find the right keywo...
Frans van der Sluis, Sergio Duarte Torres, Djoerd ...
Visual Odometry is the process of estimating the movement of a (stereo) camera through its environment by matching point features between pairs of consecutive image frames. No prio...
Limit theorems (including a Berry-Esseen bound) are derived for the number of comparisons taken by the Boyer-Moore algorithm for finding the occurrences of a given pattern in a ra...
Computer science educators have traditionally used algorithm visualization (AV) software to create graphical representations of algorithms that are later used as visual aids in le...
We argue that there are some special situations where it can be useful to repair well-formedness violations occurring in XML-like input, giving examples from our own work. We anal...