In recent years, microprocessor manufacturers have shifted their focus from single-core to multi-core processors. To avoid burdening programmers with the responsibility of paralle...
Neil Vachharajani, Ram Rangan, Easwaran Raman, Mat...
A significant portion of the energy dissipated in modern integrated circuits is consumed by the overhead associated with timing guardbands that ensure reliable execution. Timing ...
Decoupled Software Pipelining (DSWP) is one approach to automatically extract threads from loops. It partitions loops into long-running threads that communicate in a pipelined man...
Jialu Huang, Arun Raman, Thomas B. Jablin, Yun Zha...
In recent years, the microprocessor industry has embraced chip multiprocessors (CMPs), also known as multi-core architectures, as the dominant design paradigm. For existing and ne...
Until recently, a steadily rising clock rate and other uniprocessor microarchitectural improvements could be relied upon to consistently deliver increasing performance for a wide ...
Guilherme Ottoni, Ram Rangan, Adam Stoler, David I...